3 1/2" LBSC Tich

Here we have a nice little example of LBSC's ever popular 'Tich', in this case she's the large boiler version.  Just a quick little description here to try and get the listings up for some of the backlog of models that we have building up here at SW!

Generally nice condition and freshly painted.  Fitted with a hand pump and an axle pump with footplate mounted bypass valve.  The boiler is silver soldered copper.  She runs, and we've seen a little film of her trundling up and down the club track of the previous owner, but we are selling the loco as a finished model that needs commissioning to get her working properly.  We tried to start doing the commissioning work ourselves here, but with small, relatively inexpensive locos there isn't much space in the value for us to spend a great many hours fettling and sorting, and having found that the regulator wasn't seating particularly well, and a couple of the fittings were weeping past, we took the decision to reduce the price and let the loco go a bit cheaper as a commissioning project for someone else to do the jobs.  As a guide, we reckon that for us there would have been around 2 days work in the model to get it fully sorted.

For any more information please don't hesitate to give us a bell on 07816 963463


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